Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I dont even remember when I blogged last. It was probably in 2012 when i was struggling to get my start up going and had more free time to write than to actually work on something productive. But today I am different. The last one year has been different. I have grown a home based company into a rented office with 6 employees and work keeps me so busy that writing for leisure is a luxury I cannot afford (except of course posting that facebook status or retweeting that funny one-liner).

My life has changed in the last one year. When you build a team you learn a lot of things - you learn how to manage and deal with people & situations, you learn a thing or two about controlling your emotions, you become used to living with a constant pressure to do more and satisfy everyone, you also learn a few things about managing finances, and so much more. I have learnt all this. Made mistakes and learnt, actually. All of it has made me stronger. But not strong enough for the next battle of my life.

I am getting married in less than 45 days from now. With the girl i have been dating for the last almost 8 years. And yet, I am shit scared!

There are a lot of reasons for it. Most are in my mind and some are probably real.

I am nervous because marriage demands responsibility. It is not the same responsibility as running a business. No. It is completely different. I can stop my business and start a new one within an year. But I can't just stop being responsible for my family and get a new one! So i need to deal with it and I need to start feeling that responsibility.

Expectations. My wife will expect things from me. So will my mom. So will my wife's mom and her dad. And my dad. And my friends. and my siblings. Every person who has gotten my attention will now get less of it and everyone for whom I did not care till now, will demand more of it. And I have to keep everyone happy.

Money. Yes, money matters will become complex. My wife is earning, I am earning. She has to take care of her family, I have to take care of mine and we both have to take care of ourselves and our future.

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