Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Super Day!!

What a kickass day!
I woke up at 6 today and went for a morning run with Kunal at a wilderness track in the middle of DU north campus (Bonta, is what we call it). The track was so awesome, it was a jungle and the entire stretch was in gravel, uneven pitch over streams and ponds and under trees; there were elevations, slopes and there were birds and monkeys all around. The run was a real test and very exhausting. We left at 8:30 and from there i went to see a physiotherapist for a back ache. Had an awesome 1 hr of massage and relaxation there. Then came home, started work. Slept twice in between, though. Worked till 7 and then went for swimming :) Came back at 9, and watched another awesome movie - The Grey (Liam Neeson). 

Super day! If only it had some sex at night, it would be what i could call an ideal day - a routine i could live for the rest of my life. Happily ;)