Tuesday, March 24, 2009

why me and she click!

its going to be 3 years soon. we're still together. and loving it. we've grown up. become mature. become ambitious. we know the importance of our careers now. and we know each others place in our lives. what we need now is a stable job..a steady career.

but why do we click? i don't have a definite answer.

she's not my type. neither am i hers. leos and aquarians don't match. not at a physical level, not at the mental one.

i always liked girls with long hair. she has always had them short. girls with big eyes. she has small. fair girls? she is dusky. tall girls. she is. somewhat. she is not the aishwarya rai i wanted my girlfriend to be. neither am i the shah rukh khan she wanted her guy to be. i dont boast of a great physique (infact i'm somewhat fat!). my hairs in a mess always.

at the other level, i've screwed up things between us so many times that any other girl would have left me there and then! i am the most immoral and unethical person in the world. i lie, cheat (though never steal) when i want to. she is the goddess of ethics. she cannot lie (ever). and forget about cheating. i'd always have a 1000 ways to bend the rules and screw up the ethics..she wouldn't listen to one of them! i am a movie buff. she hates movies. i have scores of best friends to go out with and i love doing that. she has her only best friend in me (though i absolutely love that). she is a family person. i try to run away from all my family dramas as far as possible. i HATE girls (almost all of them, apart from the two others i can call my friends). she has more male friends than female ones! (and i hate that). she is an epitome of confidence. i am at the nadir, always.

then why!? Opposites attract, i guess!

well, maybe because we're equally dumb! we are intelligent when we have to be. at all other times, we are dumb. we act foolishly. we goofup equally bad. we both forget things (well i guess thats more with me than her). we both are equally rude when angry (she's more than me!!!). we both NEVER look good together in ANY photograph! so theres no competetion. and we both have a good command over english and we like that in each other (though she is better than me).

end of similarities!

i guess we both are perfectly imperfect. but in that imperfection we have found the perfect love for each other.