Monday, November 15, 2010

Tennis is so cool

enough writing about life and death. frankly, nobody wants to care about where my life is heading anyway! afterall, how many people's life's journeys do i myself care about! let me write about something else tonite (its 00:52) the newest passion of my life these days, apart from the website i have started, will have to be tennis - lawn tennis. :) its the first day of the week and i already can't wait for Saturday, when i would put on my tee (with the pot belly tummy bulging out) and put on my shorts (which really look short on me!) and get inside my nike shoes (my best friends see feet stop growing after a certain age :P), and pick up those 2 tennis rackets and a dunlop and a cosco ball to go the court. We started playing on the clay court and then moved to the concrete one, finally realizing why they cant beat Nadal there! and let me tell you, concrete is no easy at all. Tennis is a game which requires huge amounts of stamina. and strong, very strong wrists. twice i felt i broke mine! When the ball from the other court, travelling at a nice 80mph hits your racket, the impact travels to your wrists and twists it like anything. and you got to twist it back again to play the shot, keeping the ball low, inside the court and outside of the opponent's reach! man that is tough. so you can understand how tough a game i play these days :D

after these stamina taking, fat burning tennis games i look much better. the tummy goes inside and my glowing face takes all the attention it deserves from the female badminton players at the other courts ;) then i come home, have a plate of chhole bhature and sleep. waking up with another KG gained :P but i am loving these saturday sunday mornings..and tennis rocks!

but how long will this continue, i wonder. all things change. and all good things come to an end. to make way for some more good things :D today is the day another thing should change. I have been waiting for it. and I shall quit my present job. Gosh, i hate this word 'job'. Thankfully i wont have one after this and hopefully i wouldnt need one. God, i dont want one! I just watched the Social Network and loved it. Frankly, thats something which you would want to do. Make an idea. Steal an idea for god's sake but make something out of it. An idea without implementation is as good as dead. and so i love Zuckerberg for creating theFacebook. and i love Sean Parker. and i love those girls these lucky nerd bastards make out with. 

Sigh! Another post that began with tennis, ended with Me. :) "Its all about you isn't it", I can imagine someone saying it to my face someday. I hope by then, I am a millionaire!