Monday, September 03, 2012

Thoughts on a rainy day

as opposed to western civilizations, India is backward. No I am not talking about our culture or traditions. They stay in the right place. I am talking about the spirit of exploration, science, tolerance and seeing beyond ourselves.

we hardly care for the environment. No respect for any other form of living existence than us. We only take from the society without the slightest wish to give back. We do not serve, we fight a lot, our egos are bloated beyond capacity and the slightest provocation brings out the satan inside of us. We are probably the worst form of living existence to say the least. We feed on intolerance and pride and we hate/kill people who try to reform us. 

we do not welcome change easily and are averse to any form of exploration. Our idea of a holiday is perhaps relaxing in our rooms with the television playing songs and we eating snackers. We work hard with our jobs and party harder too. But is that all about it? Mon to Fri grinding in the office with no respect to the global working duration (well we Indians work as slaves, without a doubt), Sat and Sunday partying with alchohol and loud music. Gosh that sucks!

when do we learn to explore the world around us? There is so much hidden to our eyes. So many things we can learn. How many of us indulge in outdoor activities, some form of recreation (which is not movies or shopping or mall visiting)? How many of us can play an instrument or speak a foreign language? How many of us went on a hike or camping recently? Alright chuck all that, how many of us even played carrom recently (everyone loves carrom now, comeon!) Even if you talk of indoors, how many of us have taken up reading as a part time or as a bed time story? 

Are we going to be a generation who spend their life staring at screens and projections leaving the world as it is, without any disruption? 

The thought scares me. We need to explore. We must. Explore the world around us and see as much as we can. Learn, unlearn and then learn again. Let us feed on nature for a while and on things not seen, heard or done. Life would be much beautiful then.

Let us start from me...