Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good day

I have stopped blogging these days, but today I had a wonderful day and so I shall write.

I didn't go to office today as I had a meeting with a corporate in Saket. Got through with it by 1 and then wandered aimlessly in the Select City Walk mall while eating a delicious butter scotch cup! I then left for Adhchini to meet a friend at his house. Killed time for a few hours and left at 4. As I left, i received an unexpected payment from an unexpected client :) 

Luckily, earlier in the day Maulein had messaged me, and so I had already decided to leave early so that we could meet. For starters, Maulein was one of the dearest friends I made at Aricent - my first job. (ref: the post I wrote when she left). She got married in Dec 2009 and we had not met since then. Until today. After 2 and a half years!!

She was radiant as ever, fluffy as ever :P and she was charming as ever :) I felt so awkward meeting her after so many years. Didn't know how to meet her, what to say. But then with such good friends, there is never any awkwardness :) She came to meet me at the metro station and we clapped our hands just like old times :D The next 2 hours, we just talked. Like we had never separated! It was so awesome. When we left, i luckily met Varun (her husband and our Aricent mate) and we talked more. Finally i left for home. 
I wonder when i'll see her again. I hope soon. 

But this meeting made my day. I was really happy. I then caught the metro and came back home. Even happier :) Then, went out with Kunal and discussed crap while the weather turned awesome after a hot-as-hell day! Then me and my sisters had dinner together while we watched an old classic - Naseeb, and now I am going to sleep :)

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