Thursday, February 16, 2006

one night @ the hostel...

so the other day i decided to spent the night in the hostel. it was the second day at troika-our tech fest and i had participated in one of the events that day. so after spending a gruelling 4 hours in front of a computer(...doing nothing ;)... and man, that IS tough), i decided i needed a break. so i thought of staying back for the night in the hostel in the hope of having some fun, which i always do when in hostel. i asked a dear friend a.k.s. to stay up with me, and he was more than willing. and thank god, another dear friend, n.a. didn't stay with us and left for his home. you know, u can always do without a whining friend;)

not knowing what we were going to do, me and a.k.s. went to our friend a.a.'s room. that was to be our shelter for the night. not wanting to sit in front of a comp again, at least for the moment, we left for the sec.16 market in search for some good vcds, for the night. unfortunately, we couldn't find any(good ones), and had to return empty handed. so then, after spending some time at the type-5 canteen( thats outside SNH;) ..we had ho have some entertainment..!), we decided to return, sharing our sorrows of not having a date on that valentines day :(

at hostel, i found out that another friend, the devil a.l. was also satying up in the same hostel. very soon, i was to discover that this very "fiend" was to be the cause of my misery that night. anyways, we had our supper at the mess. for a change, the food that night was good! then we went to our room, hoping that some arrangement of a movie would be made. but that was not to be. aberrantly, no one in the hostel was willing to take their hard disks out, so we could exchange a movie or two. this was because of a recent incident in which a hosteler's hard drive blew up and smoked gas!!!

so with nothing to do, we started watching "friends", season 6. episode after episode, watched it till 4 in the morning. and just as we were going to sleep, that devil, a.l. called. i regret having picked up his call. he had no place to sleep...and he bumped into our room. we were already 2 of us on a single bed. now we were 3! a.a. had gone to some other room. i was sleeping in between those two, and remained in one position for the rest of the night. there was just the one pillow and one blanket. and, after sometime both were occupied by that bastard a.l. what we were left with, was the swarm of mosquitoes in the room. there was no fan, no all-out, no coil!!! , and my mom says my blood is sweet...!!!!!!!! i found it out that night! the buzzing was so exasperating... the only reason i did not kick(read kill) a.l. was because of my good nature, it seems!

unable to bear it, i got up at 5. and went out. a.k.s. got up at 6. a.l., the sadist, the reprobate, was sleeping peacefully!!! "friends" followed again. till 8. till my eyes were feeling heavy again. i was not going to give in this time. it was MY turn to sleep now. i woke that dog up from his bed, and slept for the next two hours. my longest and best sleep.


atul lakhotia said...

very hilarious post man...!!!
but it seems u hav exaggerated a bit more...even i cud not sleep that nite with u ppl..the mosquitoes and the "macroscopic ppl" didnt allow me to sleep even two hours peacefully...u shud thank me atleast i allowed u to sleep after 6,when i left the room feeling pity on u..
ah!!! forgot to tell u,i had made a "call" frm ur cell after u dozed off..."kanjus"

Chinmay said...

hehe.. :) nice 1

Rajat said...

lakhooooooo, you @!*&%$##!
but still, guess who had the last laugh...
i sent 2 smss from ur cell, while u were sleeping!!! ha ha ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

nice blog !!!
infact u should also ve written one blog on "one afternoon@hostel toilet"

Anonymous said...

Well done !! But still, main chida after reading it !
Also, this is a sweet fact abt lakho ! this bastard always is waiting for a chance to kick ppl out of their beds. I had the same experience last yr at the time of engifest.

Anonymous said...

y dnt u update it